Where to Hang Hummingbird Feeder?

Did you know that red color attracts hummingbirds the most? According to the National Audubon Society, hummingbirds can see red. This color sends them high-octane fuel signals for the active life they live. The tiny birds sense the color due to their retina’s ability to spot dense concentration. Hence, many manufacturers paint feeders red.

If you have bought a hummingbird feeder and have trouble deciding where to hang it, let us help you with this dilemma. The key to attracting hummingbirds into your backyard is the right feeder position. If you can accomplish this, you will have a beautiful sight to look at every day from your window.

Quick Answer

A feeder positioned poorly creates difficulties for the hummingbirds to reach it. You need to make sure that it is clearly visible but safe from the path of predators. As a beginner, you can use a bird feeder pole that offers you accessibility and ease of moving it around. Other options include hanging it on the window, from the roofline, on the porch, and from a clean and strong tree branch.

Now that you know the ideal positions of where to hang your hummingbird feeder, let’s take a look at them in detail and then discuss tips for effective placement:

Location Ideas – Hanging Hummingbird Feeders

The best place to hang a hummingbird feeder is in the garden. The open space offers the hummers easy access to the flowers and the feeders. Depending on where you live, you need to prepare the feeder two weeks in advance. This is before the flowers are in full bloom. After their journey from the north, the hummingbirds will be hungry and looking for a sweet reservoir to replenish their energy.

After spotting the feeder, they will engage in a battle and stake out their territory. After having their fill, the male hummers will get busy attracting a mate, and the females will build a nest to raise their young ones.

You can accomplish all this only if the feeders are hanging in the right location, which includes:

Bird Pole Feeder

As the name says, a bird pole is an independent feeder that you don’t need to hang. The feeder itself hangs from the pole, and all you have to do is find the perfect spot to place it, which can be anywhere in the middle of the backyard. As a beginner, this is the best feeder for you as it allows you to move it easily. However, make sure that you don’t move it more than 1 feet. The location change might disorient the hummingbirds and cause them to leave the site.


Window feeders offer you a great view up-close of the hummingbirds. This also happens to be a safe spot, away from any predators. Window feeders come in the form of suction cups that attach to the glass. Make sure to attach the feeder to the second-story window.


Hanging the feeder from the roofline will give the hummingbirds shade and protect them from squirrels and other predators.


A 5 ft. tree is the perfect height to hang a feeder. The branches will form the perches and allow the hummingbirds to dry themselves and preen. You should ensure the feeder is not close to the trunk so squirrels can’t reach it.


Hanging the feeder on your porch allows you to check on it easily and monitor the nectar level. Moreover, you will need a hook or a hanging bracket to suspend the feeder. To make it look attractive, hang it in between plants with flowers.

Placement Tips for Feeders Where Hummingbirds Can Spot Them Easily

One of the most important factors you need to consider when choosing any of the locations mentioned above is that the hummingbirds should easily find the feeder. Bouquets of hummingbirds come out in droves when spring begins. They make their way into backyards in search of food. Therefore, you should place your feeder in the open and high. Once they start visiting regularly, you can change the position of the feeder to a more secure location.

When it comes to feeding hummingbirds, your responsibility goes beyond filling the feeders with nectar. You need to be careful with the feeder’s placement and choose a spot that the hummingbirds will find safe.

There’s always a dominant hummingbird in the bouquet that watches over the other birds and the feeder. This hummingbird perches high to get a commanding view. This can be a fence line, wire, bird feeder pole, or tree branch. This way, they can warn the hummingbirds about interlopers. You can provide the leader a good spot by adding a hummingbird swing to the feeder.

Let’s take a look at a few more tips on effective hummingbird feeder placement:

Focus on Visibility

Sunlight helps hummingbirds spot a feeder easily. However, direct sunlight can be too much and might become a nuisance for them. The best spot is where you can see dappled sunlight. This refers to the lighting effect you get when sunlight filters through branches of a tree from up above. It creates a softly shaded ground intermixed with spots of sunlight.

Avoid High Traffic Areas

Loud noises startle hummingbirds. For example, barking dogs, children playing, and chimes. Hence, you need to give these birds a little privacy. So, do not hang the feeder above the dog house or near your backdoor. Let the hummers drink in peace and mark the spot that offers them peace and protection.

Hang the Feeder in Your Line of Sight

The purpose of hanging a hummingbird feeder is to have a lovely sight that you can watch from your window. This offers two benefits: First, you will be able to keep an eye on the feeder and make sure no predators are lurking by, and second, the perfect location will allow you to view from every window of your house.


Maintenance is the key to ensuring that the hummers keep visiting the feeder. Usually, the sweet water gets dirty or moldy after two weeks if there’s some left in the feeder. Hence, your feeder must be in a location where you can get it down easily, clean it, refill it and hang it again.

Keep the Feeder Away from the Reach of Cats

Adult cats can jump at least 4 ft. high in the air. Therefore, your feeder should be high enough in the air so that a cat doesn’t pounce on unsuspecting hummingbirds. Make sure that the feeder is away from dense bushes where a cat can hide and hang it 5 ft. high so that you can reach it easily.


We can conclude that the best place to hang a hummingbird feeder is at least 5 ft. from the ground and where direct sunlight does not fall. This location will provide the feeder protection from predators, such as squirrels.

As long as you keep up with the cleaning of the feeder and ensure that the feeder is not close to loud noises, you will see bouquets of hummingbirds fly into your backyard.